Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stop Motion ABC's

This Sesame Streetesque stop-motion project was for an animation class I took while in college. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work, every movement is an individual drawing and snap shot. Each picture is shown in sequential order creating the illusion of movement, just like a flip book. I failed to catch the backwards "J" before I finished the animation. I thought about titling this video "Slightly Dyslexic Stop Motion ABC's". The video quality dropped a tad after posting it on here. The music is by Odd Nosdam. Hope you enjoy!

Edorffin Music

This is the logo I designed in 2007 for the company Endorffin Music in Nashville Tennessee, owned by Andrew Dorff.

AIGA Posters

A few of the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) posters I designed while in college.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

For: The Murals

I designed these for the use of the band, The Murals. The band, from Louisville, Kentucky, consists of four members; Evan Blum, Rob Monsma, Hunter Presnell, and Jacob Weaver. The Murals, is an appropriate name for this band that experiments with many evoking sounds and musical styles. Their music is almost visual. These were designed to compliment and promote the bands music on posters, flyers and t-shirts.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My name is Nathan Adam Weaver, here is some of my recent work and influences.